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Dive Into Find Your Wild

We tend to pursue lives that become increasingly comfortable throughout the years. But when does comfort stop being enough? At what point does a perfectly okay lifestyle turn stagnant? We can be coasting in the driver’s seat for so long, just to realize one day that we’ve been in neutral the whole time. Once in a while, we’ll catch ourselves daydreaming… yearning for travel. Beneath that, it’s nature that really calls. Sight seeking the many natural wonders of the world is something many dream of.
The question is, when do we decide to make those dreams a reality? When do we wake up, and shift gears? Searching and scrolling the beautiful hikes and natural parks on the Internet is fun and all, but taking the step to get there is the ultimate prize. It’s like perpetually smelling the rain and seeing overcast, but never feeling rainfall. You can imagine it, but you don’t actually feel the subtle satisfaction of the raindrops falling down onto your skin.
Find Your Wild, designed by Strange Bikinis owner, Ali Conway, urges you to surrender to nature’s summons. FIND what makes you happy. The most subtle beauties in the world are priceless and just a road trip away. “The overall feel of my collection really is drawn from the outdoors- seeking adventures and actually getting outside and enjoying our incredible planet,” says Ali Conway. Find Your Wild, is created to embrace the outdoors. From the new snakeskin print “Natrix,” to the new print “Wonder” creating the rainbow-y luminescent ground near hot springs, this new collection will leave you with a cohesive blend of natures finest.
Don’t worry though, Ali made sure to have all the colors right in between too. “Olea” the new olive green tone, will you leave you with the perfect mesh of the deep greens in the mountains. “Marine” the new blue, is pulled straight from the beautiful views of Lake Tahoe. “Gold Coast” the golden-y color, is pulled right from the beautiful sunsets at your favorite getaway locations. “Haze” is a taupe purple that you come across every so often in a beautiful succulent. Lastly, “Living Coral” is the color of the bunch that just pops. Think of a hot summer-y day being brought to a close with a bright coral sunset and that’s your match.
Now, if you can imagine an 80’s puffer jacket from the old Patagonia retro style, then you can imagine the blend of these colors all-together as one. Ali’s hope is for Strangers to see the blend of diversity and style change in this new collection.
This season, expect two deliveries! The first release will showcase 6 new styles and the second delivery having 8. Wooh wooh! “The purpose of this new collection is similar to my purpose for Strange Bikinis, for everyone to feel their best in their swimsuit that fits and flatters, in colors that are unique and stand out,” says Ali.
Strangers go out and find YOUR wild, and never hesitate to take advantage of the beautiful natural wonders right in your back yard.


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