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Sexy Beach Bikini Do’s and Don’ts: What You Need to Know

This weather is getting warmer, and the days are getting longer. This means that summer fun at the beach is just around the corner. And like most women, you probably want to look as sexy as possible when you hit the beach. 

But creating a sexy and steamy beach look doesn’t necessarily mean wearing your skimpiest suit. Many aren’t quite comfortable or perhaps don’t recommend rocking a thong at the public beach because it may not be the most cozy for, or perhaps could be less than family-friendly. Ya know? Luckily, there are many strategies to help you get the ultimate sexy beach look if thongs aren’t your thing, including the ones below. (If thongs are your thing...get it, sister!)

Do Wear a Sexy Swimsuit that Fits Perfectly

Whether donning a sexy one-piece or bikini, a great look starts with a great fit. Women come in all shapes and sizes. Finding the perfect suit for your body can take some work. But it is worth it to find one that makes you feel sexy and sultry. 

A poor fit can accentuate all the wrong features. And when it is too big for your frame, you may end up with saggy bottoms. Ew. Or worse, you could lose your top altogether (been there, done that!). A tight fit is no better. You will look as uncomfortable as you feel. The best strategy is to start shopping now and know your body measurements. This will give you time to find one (or a few) that fit perfectly!

Don’t Forget Your Sunscreen

There is nothing sexy about looking like a lobster. And worse yet, sunburns can increase your risk of developing skin cancer. A sexy beach look includes soft, hydrated skin and maybe even a little color provided that it’s done safely. 

Burns also cause healing skin to peel – and there is nothing sexy about that. So be sure to pack your sunscreen. It will keep your skin healthy, protected, and looking great in any sexy suit you choose.

For the record- we highly recommend a good spray tan!

Do Wear a Suit that is Appropriate

There may be different ideas of what is sexy (and acceptable) depending upon your setting. If you are at a crowded public beach, a suit that bears too much skin is generally not considered a good look- but it is all up to how you feel! However, if it’s just you and a few close friends on a private beach, you can likely be a bit more daring. 

In intimate settings, don’t be scared to put on your most risqué thong and enjoy yourself. This is especially fun when you are with a partner that enjoys your bare-all look. 

Don’t Wear a Suit That is Uncomfortable

The best way to ensure you have a blast at the beach is by wearing something comfortable. And while many people think comfort and sexiness are incompatible, they aren’t. Finding a suit that fits well and is comfortable is one of the easiest ways to ensure you have a sexy beach bikini, and (bonus) it’s what we are known for! 

Do Get a Few Classic Sexy Beach Bikinis

You can never go wrong with the classic look. A sexy string bikini or one-piece in a solid color is a look that will never go out of style. Find several that have a flattering fit and cut, and keep them in your swimsuit rotation. Our favs are Bliss Triangle Bikinis top paired with the Verve or Soquel bottoms. 

Achieving a sexy look isn’t always about wearing something skimpy. In most instances, it’s about having a suit that looks good and fits great. Classic styles became classic for a reason – people love the look. You can’t go wrong by including these suits in your arsenal. 

Don’t Ignore Your Tan Lines

It’s easy to get tan lines if you spend a lot of time at the beach. But when you have tan lines from one suit that are incompatible with another suit, they can draw attention from your look. People will pay more attention to the tan lines than the features you want them to notice.

The best method to avoid tan lines is to use sunscreen while wearing a suit and getting a bronzed look through a safer method. Self-tanners and bronzing powders and creams can give you a sun-kissed look. And better yet, they keep your skin healthy and prevent tan lines from forming. We love Ubatuba Self Tanner and have it in our shops! 

Do Accessorize Your Sexy Beach Bikini

Creating a sexy beach look isn’t just a function of selecting the right suit (although it helps). You can then consider ways to complete the look through accessories. 

Accessories are the perfect way to take your sexy look to the next level. Jewelry and sunglasses can make a sexy beach bikini look elegant. A wide-brimmed hat can add an element of glamour to your look. And it has the added benefit of protecting sensitive skin and eyes from harmful rays. Our personal favorite suit accessories are Birkenstocks. Yes. The right accessories paired with the right suit are the best way to create that sporty, comfortable sexy beach look!

Don’t Forget You Can Mix-and-Match

Few things are sexier than striking a look that is unique and individual. Many sexy beach bikinis have the added benefit of being able to mix and match with one another. You can’t go wrong with solid-colored bottoms and a patterned top. Embrace the free spirit within you and have some fun with your look. Try out different combinations until you achieve the sexy look you want!

Do Enjoy Yourself

If you have a frown on your face, even the world’s sexiest bathing suit can’t help you. There is nothing more attractive or appealing than a smile. Most people gravitate to others who are having fun. Everyone wants to be around the life of the party. When you stop worrying about how you look, relax, and have fun, people are sure to notice! #livestrangerously


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