Every Stranger knows how difficult it is to find a swimsuit you (deeply) love. And once you do, it’s often tempting to keep that swimsuit for as long as possible. But like any other piece of clothing, swimsuits will wear out and need to be replaced.
Of course, it goes without saying that you can often extend the life of your swimwear with proper care, but you are only delaying the inevitable.
Even those suits that last for several seasons will eventually need to be replaced. The following signs indicate your suit is ready for an upgrade.
Chemicals, such as laundry detergent or chlorine, may ‘eat away’ at the plastic in the fabric and undermine its integrity. Additionally, sun exposure may slowly ruin the material, especially if you leave the suit in the sun to dry.
These prolonged periods in the sun can cause sun bleaching or discoloration. This is a major sign that it is time to replace the suit. It does not matter what brand or quality of swimwear; every garment will suffer from this type of degradation.
Additional damage, such as scraping on concrete, can contribute to snags in your suit. If your suit has a ton of snags, it won’t look right. The integrity of the fabric is questionable. It’s best to replace the suit in this scenario.
Eventually, even a freshly washed suit will retain an odor that isn’t pleasant. So it’s worth checking the smell periodically, and if there is an odor lingering, it’s time to ditch this suit.
Bathing suit bottoms are especially prone to becoming saggy. And tops may no longer fit your bust line or give you a boost. When this happens, you won’t feel nearly as confident as you once did, and you might do better with a new suit.
How you feel in the suit has a big time impact on your mindset, and it’s hard to have fun when you don’t feel like you look great!
Whether you lose weight, gain weight, or find it fits differently, you may want one more appealing to your body. When this happens, it’s a signal to start shopping.
But, if you want to try something new, there is no reason to wait. Swimsuit styles are constantly evolving. So, if you aren’t feeling inspired by the suits in your collection, start looking for something new.
Of course, all swimwear will eventually degrade or need to be replaced for another reason. But some strategies can help extend their lifespan, such as:
- Rinse them immediately after taking them off; this process removes any salt, chlorine, or sunscreen left on the fabric. These chemicals can damage suits and promote discoloration. Additionally, if you rinse your suit immediately, it’s less likely to develop an odor.
- Hand wash the suit with cold to warm water and a teaspoon of gentle laundry detergent or white vinegar and baking soda (one or the other, not together). Let it soak for a few minutes, but no longer than 30 minutes.
- Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations if you opt to machine wash the suit.
- Do not put bathing suits in the dryer. Instead, lay them flat to dry. Do not wring them out as this act can stretch the fabric.
But even if you follow all of these recommendations, you will have to dispose of your bathing suit. There is a tremendous concern with disposing of swimwear made from synthetic fibers.
These fibers can release non-biodegradable, tiny plastic fibers when immersed in water. Unfortunately, these plastic particles contribute to the pollution of natural bodies of water on all continents.
Strange Bikinis are high-quality and can experience a lifespan as long as any other bathing suit. The difference is that once that point is reached, you know that the suit will not present an environmental problem after it has been discarded.
Of course, all bathing suits eventually wear down or need to be replaced. But Strange Bikinis’ bathing suits can be disposed of without worry or guilt.
This feature sets Strange Bikini apart from the competitor. As an industry innovator, our company has found sustainable practices that deliver high-quality bathing suits that strangers love.
We are making a positive difference in our world - both now and in the future by supporting sustainable practices. And these changes may be what lead to the continued health of our planet.